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Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Research

This synthesis report highlights the key ways in which social protection systems may contribute to mitigate the effect of, or respond to, large-scale shocks.

Ending Violence in Childhood

A total of 75% of the world's children have experienced some form of violence. This report makes recommendations for addressing the issue through local action to promote child rights and prevent violence.

Community Engagement to Strengthen Social Cohesion and Child Protection in Chad and Burundi: “Bottom up” participatory monitoring, planning and action

This report discusses how child protection can contribute to social cohesion and peace building through various means.

Who Cares for Children? A Descriptive Study of Care-Related Data Available Through Global Household Surveys and How These Could Be Better Mined to Inform Policies and Services to Strengthen Family Care

This paper argues that better use and mining of existing national household surveys has great potential to inform child protection policy and programming, resulting in increased awareness of this information among child protection practitioners.

Expanding World Vision's Impact Through Community Health Workers

In 2015, a global census of community health workers (CHWs) was conducted by World Vision International to assist in developing CHW technical capacity statements, grant proposals, and fundraising and marketing resources, as well as to assist in internal monitoring and reporting on our global...