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Alternative care

Reforma sistemului de îngrijire în Republica Moldova

În 2021, Changing the Way We Care a lansat o analiză situațională a sistemului de îngrijire a copilului în Republica Moldova. Rezultatul acestei analize sunt 8 rapoarte bazate pe cercetări ample ale partenerilor CTWWC: Copil, Comunitate, Familie (CCF) Moldova, Keystone Human Services International...

Situational Analysis of Care Reform in the Republic of Moldova

From January to July 2021, Changing the Way We Care in Moldova, a USAID-funded initiative implemented by Catholic Relief Services and Maestral International, together with local partners, Copil, Comunitate, Familie (CCF), Keystone Moldova, and Partnership for Every Child (P4EC) conducted research...

Strengthening Caregiving Environments: Prioritising Family-based Care in Humanitarian Settings During COVID-19

Understanding the risks and responses to children’s caregiving environment during COVID-19 remains limited. This is especially the case in humanitarian settings. This brief, therefore, aims to report what is known so far during the pandemic. The brief focuses on strategies to strengthen the...

Safeguarding Toolbox: For organizations to develop & implement effective, relevant safeguarding policies and practices

Changing the Way We CareSM (CTWWC) is committed to bold and highest quality child protection and safeguarding in all of its work. Within the initiative, they sought to ensure that children and young people at risk of or outside of family care are safeguarded.

Ruta de prevención de la separación familiar innecesaria y derivación a servicios sociales y especializados

Esta Ruta de Coordinación, fue construida y diseñada de manera participativa y liderada por CTWWC Guatemala, con el objeto de articular de manera eficiente y coordinada los esfuerzos que los profesionales de las instituciones gubernamentales y municipales vinculadas a la prevención y proteccion,...

Caring for LGBTQ Children & Youth

This booklet was developed by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s All Children – All Families project. The project engages child welfare agencies across the United States, providing resources, technical assistance and training on best practices for supporting and serving LGBTQ youth and LGBT...

It’s time for care, Prioritizing quality care for children - Challenges, opportunities and an agenda for action

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended systems of support, including schools and childcare, shining a spotlight on the importance of quality care for children and those who provide it – the invisible backbone holding up strong and resilient families, communities, and economies. It is essential work,...

Minimum Standards for the Care of Children in Residential Care Facilities

This document presents a set of minimum standards of care, which it is recommended that residential care facilities strive to adopt, particularly those residential care facilities engaged with or receiving support from Catholic Relief Services. The standards are designed to be applicable to a...

Core Concepts and Principles of Effective Case Management: Approaches for the Social Service Workforce

This document represents the work of the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance Case Management Interest Group.
