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Case management

Safeguarding Toolbox: For organizations to develop & implement effective, relevant safeguarding policies and practices

Changing the Way We CareSM (CTWWC) is committed to bold and highest quality child protection and safeguarding in all of its work. Within the initiative, they sought to ensure that children and young people at risk of or outside of family care are safeguarded.

Ruta de prevención de la separación familiar innecesaria y derivación a servicios sociales y especializados

Esta Ruta de Coordinación, fue construida y diseñada de manera participativa y liderada por CTWWC Guatemala, con el objeto de articular de manera eficiente y coordinada los esfuerzos que los profesionales de las instituciones gubernamentales y municipales vinculadas a la prevención y proteccion,...

One Year Into COVID-19: What have we learned about child maltreatment reports and child protective service responses?

Background A year has passed since COVID-19 began disrupting systems. Although children are not considered a risk population for the virus, there is accumulating knowledge regarding children's escalating risk for maltreatment during the pandemic.

Integrating Mental Health and Psychosocial Support into Youth Programming: A Toolkit

This Integrating Mental Health and Psychosocial Support into Youth Programming: A Toolkit provides strategies and tools for designing, implementing, and evaluating mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) programs and activities for youth in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and...

Caring for LGBTQ Children & Youth

This booklet was developed by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s All Children – All Families project. The project engages child welfare agencies across the United States, providing resources, technical assistance and training on best practices for supporting and serving LGBTQ youth and LGBT...

Trabajando con las adolescentes sobrevivientes de VBG en contextos migratorios: Manual de capacitación para facilitadoras y facilitadores

Este Manual de capacitación y la Guía que lo acompaña están diseñados para proveedores de servicios en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) que trabajan con las adolescentes en contextos migratorios que experimentan o se encuentran en riesgo de sufrir violencia basada en género (VBG), con un enfoque...

Trabalhando com Meninas Adolescentes Sobreviventes de Violência Baseada em Gênero em Contextos Migratórios: Um Guia para Prestadores de Serviços

Este Guia e o Manual de Treinamento que o acompanha são elaborados para prestadores de serviços na América Latina e no Caribe (ALC) que trabalham com meninas adolescentes em movimento que sofrem ou estão em risco de violência baseada em gênero (VBG), com foco particular em contextos de migração...

Working With Adolescent Girl GBV Survivors On The Move: Facilitator's Training Manual

This Training Manual and accompanying Guide are designed for service providers in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) working with adolescent girls on the move who experience or are at risk of gender-based violence (GBV), with a particular focus on contexts of Venezuelan migration. The Training...

Core Concepts and Principles of Effective Case Management: Approaches for the Social Service Workforce

This document represents the work of the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance Case Management Interest Group.

Child Protection during emergency situations (in Albanian)

This is a specialized online training “on child protection during emergencies” for the for-child protection & social welfare professionals in the local level. The training was developed in the framework of the project “Emergency and recovery support for vulnerable children and families affected...
