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Case management

Put Children First: Recommendations to End Orphanage Volunteering and the Institutionalisation of Children

It is estimated that at least 5.4 million children live in institutions worldwide. Yet over 80% of these have at least one living parent. Research has shown the harm of orphanage care on children’s health, development and wellbeing and how orphanage volunteering is working to perpetuate these...

Hoja Informativa: No Institucionalización Global

Gatekeeping es el término que describe el mecanismo, proceso o pasos específicos involucrados en la toma de decisiones relacionadas con el cuidado de las niñas, niños y adolescentes (NNA) donde exista la posibilidad de riesgo de separación familiar, o pérdida del cuidado parental.  Esta hoja...

Gatekeeping Factsheet

Gatekeeping is a term to describe a mechanism, process or specific steps involved in making care-related decisions for children at risk of, or already denied, adequate parental care.

Protection, Provision, Participation and Prevention: Upholding the 4P’s of Children’s Rights during COVID-19

The fifth in the series of COVID Learning Reports from The International COVID 4P Log Project, this report presents the key findings concerning best practices and innovations; challenges; and lessons learned and recommended actions for supporting children’s wellbeing during and post-COVID-19 ...

Best practices in programming for child victims of trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation

A child rights-based approach (CRBA) is grounded in general human rights principles and standards as well as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and is integral to designing programs and policies that affect children. It echoes the needs and rights of children as awarded to them by virtue...

Estudio sobre la reforma del cuidado infantil en América Latina y el Caribe dirigido a desarrollar una estrategia regional de incidencia

El estudio llevó a cabo un ejercicio de recopilar prácticas prometedoras de reforma de cuidado infantil por parte de diversos actores clave en la región de América Latina y el Caribe.  La iniciativa Changing the Way We Care conceptualiza la reforma integral del cuidado infantil como la suma de tres...

The State of the World’s Children 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns about the mental health of a generation of children. But the pandemic may represent the tip of a mental health iceberg – an iceberg we have ignored for far too long. The State of the World’s Children 2021 examines child, adolescent and caregiver mental...

Promoting Resilience-Informed Care: A practical guidance resource for frontline workers in family based care

This Practical Guidance is for anyone working with children at risk of entering, already living in, preparing or having already left care. It discusses why and how to support children who are at risk of or who have already experienced adverse experiences that might lead to distress or trauma.

Protecting Children from Violence During the Pandemic: Providers’ and Policymakers’ Best Practices, Challenges and Innovations

The third in the series of COVID Learning Reports from The International COVID 4P Log Project, this report provides in-depth findings about good practices in protecting children from violence during the pandemic, challenges to protecting children during COVID-19, and how practices have changed in...

A Psychosocial Support Toolkit for Social Workers

This toolkit is based on a review of the most recent research evidence around the psychosocial needs of forcibly displaced children and youth and discussions with social workers. It encourages a group approach to psychosocial support because the reality is that there are few psychosocial...
