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Investing in Children and Families to Avoid Unnecessary Separation (Français and Español)

S’Engager pour les Enfants et les Familles Afin d’é Viter la Séparation - Aujourd’hui, il est évident que les acteurs de la prise en charge des enfants et  des familles devraient s’engager d’avantage pour les enfants et les familles pour permettre leur développement harmonieux et leur participation...

USAID’s Vision for Health Systems Strengthening

Prevention and promotion have a high impact on sustained improvements in health systems performance. USAID focuses on an integrated, comprehensive and holistic approach to improve health systems to achieve an AIDS-free generation.

Care Groups: Summary of the Child Survival Outcomes Achieved Using Volunteer CHWs in Resource-Constrained Settings

When implemented by strong international NGOs with adequate funding, Care Groups have been remarkably effective in increasing population coverage of key child survival interventions at a low cost.

Care Groups: An Innovative Community-Based Strategy for Improving Maternal, Neonatal & Child Health

New approaches are urgently needed that can be applied in settings with weak health systems and a scarcity of human resources for health. The Care Group approach uses facilitators, who are a lower-level cadre of paid workers, to work with groups of 12 or so volunteers (the Care Group), and each...

Developing and Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs at Scale

The CHW Reference Guide is designed for new CHW programs that are beginningthe planning process as well as for existing programs that are being strengthened or scaled up.

Evaluating the Target Effectiveness of Social Transfers: A Literature Review

This report is a review of the literature on social transfer programs, including their cost effectiveness of administering through community-based approaches involving the social service workforce and others working in child protection.

State of the Social Service Workforce 2015 Report - Executive Summary

This report is an executive summary of the State of the Social Service Workforce 2015 Report, which is a review of the workforce in 15 countries. The full report can be found here.

State of the Social Service Workforce 2015 Report

This first annual report sheds light on key social service workforce data and trends, showcases innovative and effective workforce strengthening initiatives, and highlights the need for more data and focus in this area. The report reviews the current state of the workforce in 15 countries. The...

Prevent and Protect: Linking the HIV and Child Protection Response to Keep Children Safe, Healthy & Resilient

This report documents models, case studies and lessons learned to highlight practical ways in which child protection systems and services link to HIV services in order to benefit HIV and child protection outcomes for children. The goal of the report is for policymakers and programmers to consider...

From a Whisper to a Shout: A Call to End Violence Against Children in Alternative Care

This report is structured into seven chapters, which take us on a path towards greater understanding of the challenges inherent in protecting children in alternative care from violence. It combines a comprehensive review on violence against children in alternative care with an analysis of...
