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South Africa

Policy Brief: The Protective Role of Social Support for Caregiver Mental Health

Primary caregivers of children in poor HIV-endemic communities represent a high risk population for mental health conditions, given the challenges associated with caring for biological and foster children in difficult social and financial conditions. This may be especially true if caregivers are...

Establishing, Reviewing and Implementing National Plans of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Southern and East Africa: Lessons learnt and challenges

This report focuses on the experiences of Save the Children in monitoring, implementing and reviewing NPAs in Angola, Ethiopia, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Uganda and Zimbabwe. Each of the country offices commissioned the documentation of case studies to identify promising practices and...

The Isibindi Model: Introducing Community Child and Youth Care Workers

This is a PowerPoint presentation by Zeni Thumbadoo from the April 2014 Symposium “Supporting Families, Building a Better Tomorrow for Children: The Role of the Social Service Workforce” hosted by the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance. She discusses the Isibindi Model demonstrating the work...

Caring for Carers - Managing stress in those who care for people with HIV and AIDS

This UNAIDS Case Study looks at what care programmes for people with HIV and AIDS are doing to minimize stress and burnout.  Interviews with AIDS Support Organizations (ASOs) in Uganda and South Africa were held with a range of people including: managers and supervisors of care teams; carers on the...

Developmental Social Work Education in Southern and East Africa Final Report

This document reports on how the social development approach is being used by individual schools of social work in southern and east Africa. This research project aimed to contribute to knowledge development in this field through primary empirical research. This document reports on the objectives...

Community Caregivers: The Backbone for Accessible Care and Support

This report presents a synthesis of the results of a four-country research project undertaken in Ethiopia, Malawi, South Africa and Zambia on the development of community and home-based care (CHBC) in the context of HIV. The research was commissioned by the Caregivers Acton Network (CAN) in 2011 to...

Children’s Act Guide for Child and Youth Care Workers

The guide is written for child and youth care workers (CYCWs) and it focuses on the parts of the South Africa Children’s Act that are most relevant to them. This is an updated edition of the guide which contains extra information for professionals who provide services to children living and working...

Working Together for Change: Making developmental partnerships work

In 2004, STOP AIDS NOW!, a partnership between Aids Fonds, ICCO, Cordaid, Hivos, and Oxfam Novib, was looking for ways to more effectively address the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children in South Africa. To do this, the five Dutch STOP AIDS NOW! Partners as well as two other Dutch...

A Social Service Innovation: Planning, Developing and Supporting the Child and Youth Care Workforce

I am the Deputy Director of the National Association of Child Care Workers in South Africa, and recently led a session on social service innovation at our 19th Biennial Conference. I focused on planning, developing, and supporting the child and youth care workforce.

Remuneration and Social Protection for Caregivers in the Context of HIV and AIDS

This policy briefing provides background and rationale for the recommendations that governments, donors, and international institutions should include costs and strategies for the remuneration of caregivers in budgets, program plans, and technical guidance related to their role in the response to...
