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Ending Violence Against Children: Six Strategies for Action

This report has a simple and urgent goal: to connect decision-makers and relevant actors with strategies that prevent and respond to violence in the lives of children. The scope of this review includes interventions that address interpersonal violence (emotional, physical and sexual) against...

Approaching Outreach Work

As part of the process of developing Outreach Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), it has become clear that despite variation in outreach activities and drop-in centers, there is a clear approach to outreach which is common across Retrak. This reflects the international approach to outreach in...

The Place of Foster Care in the Continuum of Care Choices - A review of the evidence for policymakers

Foster care can be an important part of the continuum of care choices for children. When foster care is administered appropriately, with the proper mechanisms, structures and resources, it allows children to remain in a loving and caring family while authorities work towards family reintegration or...

Strategies for Delivering Safe and Effective Foster Care

The evidence presented in this report suggests that there is no one blueprint of universal elements for successful foster care programs. The workforce developing and delivering foster care programs must carefully examine their specific local context and adapt programs accordingly. 

Humanitarian Action for Children 2015

This report highlights the situation of children and women living in the most challenging circumstances, outlines the human and financial resources required to help them survive and thrive, and shows the results UNICEF and its partners have achieved and are working towards. Information about UNICEF...

Rethinking Place and the Social Work Office in the Delivery of Children’s Social Work Services

Social work practices in England were evaluated from 2009-2012 to determine how the office environment may affect children’s perceptions of receiving care at out-of-home sites.  

Building the Social Work Workforce: Saving Lives and Families

Abstract: This article depicts a journey over the decades to address some of the needs of children and families in the child welfare system. Recounting a few key milestones and challenges in the past 40 years, it is argued that workforce development is one key to improved outcomes for abused and...

What is the Role of Social Work in China? A Multi-Dimensional Analysis

Abstract: This article analyzes the role of social work in the context of the special political, economic, cultural, and historical background in China. A historical perspective is used to understand the evolution of the Chinese welfare system and explain the timing of reintroducing the social work...

Self-Efficacy in Newly-Hired Child Welfare Workers

Abstract: Child abuse and neglect in the United States resulted in 676,569 reports in 2011 (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, 2012). Workers in this field struggle with low pay, high caseloads, inadequate training and supervision, and risk of violence, all of which contribute to worker...

DCOF-UNICEF Assessment of Strengthening Systems to Protect Vulnerable Children and Families in Cambodia

This report provides an assessment of a three-year project, Strengthening Systems to Protect Vulnerable Children and Families in Cambodia, which ran from 2009 – 2012.
