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Interim Guidance on Scaling-up COVID-19 Outbreak in Readiness and Response Operations in Camps and Camp-like Settings

This Interim Guidance is intended for field coordinators, camp managers and public health personnel, as well as national and local governments and the wider humanitarian community working in humanitarian situations, including camps and camp-like settings, who are involved in the decision making and...

Save the Children COVID-19 Program Framework and Guidance

This resource provides guidance to Save the Children and its related programs on mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 for vulnerable groups. It includes guidance on child protection, child participation, MHPSS, child safeguarding and integration of services.

Guidance Note: Protection of Children during Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Children in particular are vulnerable during infectious disease outbreaks for a variety of reasons.

Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Schools

Work with social service systems to ensure continuity of critical services that may take place in schools such as health screenings, feeding programs or therapies for children with special needs. Address Mental Health/Psychosocial support needs Encourage children to discuss their questions and...

The Surprisingly Weak Evidence Base for Supervision: Findings from a systematic review of research in child welfare practice (2000–2012)

The objective of this study is to ascertain what is known about the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of supervision in child welfare in relation to outcomes for consumers/service users, staff and organizations. The evidence base for the effectiveness of supervision in child welfare is...

Factors Influencing Retention of Child Welfare Staff: A systematic review of research

Child welfare agencies need to identify and implement effective strategies to recruit and retain well-qualified staff that has the knowledge, skills and commitment to provide services to our nation’s most vulnerable children and families.

Fostering Local Partnerships in Remote Management and High-threat Settings: Emerging lessons from child protection programming in Syria

This study documents lessons from child protection activities focusing on psychosocial interventions in southern and central Syria. Partnerships with local actors are at the core of remote management arrangements, and are the only viable option to deliver child protection interventions in many...

Support Supervision Guide for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children Service Delivery

This guide aims to facilitate provision of technical support and quality assurance for OVC services and interventions in a comprehensive manner by different stakeholders. It is expected that the national ministry will use this tool to supervise Technical Services Originations (TSOs), local...

Strengthening Child Welfare Supervision

This article highlights the steps four states within the United States have taken in supporting their supervisory staff and shares direct interviews with supervisors.

Building a Model and Framework for Child Welfare Supervision

Tasked with examining the responsibilities and needs of supervisory staff to develop an organizational framework to support effective child welfare supervision, authors developed this resource as a roadmap for agency leaders as they think through ways to build and sustain effective child welfare...
