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Psychosocial support

Protection and Resilience: A simple checklist for why, where and how, to coordinate HIV and child protection policy and programming

There is strong evidence of the cyclical relationship between HIV and violence and that achieving an AIDS-free generation will mean protecting children from violence, abuse and neglect. This short checklist provides practical guidance on how to link HIV and child protection policy and programming.

Comprehensive Report and Summary on the Review of the White Paper for Social Welfare 1997

This report is a review of the White Paper for Social Welfare 1997, enacted by the Dept. of Social Development 19 years ago. It contains key observations and proposals in order to provide input to the government concerning updates to the bill in areas affecting the social service profession and...

Guidelines on Childrens Reintegration

These guidelines are based on the understanding that a child's reintegration requires much more than simply returning a child to their family of origin or placing them within their kinship network. Reintegration is a process that a formerly separated child and their family go through over an...

Estimating the Economic Burden of Violence against Children in East Asia and the Pacific

This research shows that violence against children also has an impact on health and human capital, and an economic cost. This is first ever costing of child maltreatment in the Asia-Pacific region.

Safe Healing and Learning Spaces Toolkit

This multi-part toolkit is culturally and contextually adaptable for the need following disasters and crisis, providing short-term child protection interventions to allow students to safely heal and learn.

The Unsolved Challenge of System Reform: The condition of the frontline human services workforce

A in-depth exploration of job conditions on the frontlines for workers in the following sectors: child welfare, child care, juvenile justice, youth services, and employment and training, raises eight key factors that pose the greatest challenge to these workers.

Children with Traumatic Separation: Information for Professionals

Children may develop posttraumatic responses when separated from their caregiver. Professionals must recognize, assess and address in treatment both the circumstances under which the separation occurred and the underlying cause of the separation, which they identify as traumatic. This resource...

Refugee and Migrant Crisis Child Protection Response

This resource from ChildHub aims to help build the capacity of those responding to the refugee and migrant crisis by addressing child protection concerns within the unique settings of the largely transit countries.

The Impact of the Isibindi Programme on Vulnerable Youth: Evaluation Report

In 2009, there were an estimated of 1.9 million children under the age of 17 in South Africa who were orphans due to HIV/AIDS. "ISIBINDI: Creating Circles of Care" is a community-based care and protection intervention for vulnerable children and young people that was developed by National...

Orphanage Caregivers' Perceptions of Children's Emotional Needs

This study explores Ghanaian institutional caregivers' views of children's emotional and relational needs with the aim of understanding these caregivers' capacities to provide effective care for orphans. 
