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Child Protection Case Management Training Package for Caseworkers in Humanitarian Settings

The Case Management Task Force (CMTF) of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action recognized an opportunity to improve outcomes for children by updating the child protection case management training package for caseworkers in humanitarian settings. 

This training package is the result of two years of work led by the International Rescue Committee on behalf of the CMTF. After a wide desk review, consultations with CMTF members and surveys with case management staff from 41 countries, Child Protection Case Management Training materials were updated and new content has been added. The training materials were developed through a lengthy and iterative process with feedback provided by members of the CMTF as well as pilots in Iraq, South-Sudan and Kenya.

This updated Child Protection Case Management training package includes a series of trainings to further strengthen the capacity of child protection caseworkers. Child Protection Case Management competencies are developed gradually, as well as through experience and with the support of a supervisor. To promote gradual learning and integrate supervision and coaching opportunities, these trainings are structured in three different levels:

  • Level 1 Foundational training
  • Level 2 Competency-based training
  • Level 3 Advanced training. 

It is recommended that child protection caseworkers, supervisors, and managers in humanitarian settings complete the different levels of training. The main target audience remains child protection caseworkers.

The foundational training is also available in Spanish, French and Arabic.

Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Year of Publication: 
Workforce themes: 
Program themes: 
Resource Type: 
Gray literature
Resource Database