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Refugee and Migrant Crisis Child Protection Response

This resource from ChildHub aims to help build the capacity of those responding to the refugee and migrant crisis by addressing child protection concerns within the unique settings of the largely transit countries.

Children's Mental Health Service Needs and Utilization Patterns in an Urban Community: An epidemiological assessment

A cross-sectional survey was conducted to assess children’s mental health service needs and utilization patterns for state planning efforts. The findings illustrate the importance of inter-agency collaboration and the need to consider reports of parents and teachers and different dimensions of...

Child Welfare Worker Caseload: What's just right?

This study was designed to establish a caseload standard for child welfare workers. Understanding reasonable workload expectations for child welfare workers is a cornerstone of quality service provision and the recruitment and retention of qualified workers.

Motivation and Retention of Health Workers in Developing Countries: A systematic review

Absence of properly trained and motivated workforce is a key constraint in achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The authors of this research undertook a systematic review to consolidate existing evidence on the impact of financial and nonfinancial incentives on motivation and retention....

The Early Childhood Workforce – A powerful force for scaling-up quality services for young children and their families

With growing interest in how to improve and scale-up systems that deliver services to families and young children, we need to understand more about the best ways to recruit, train, supervise and support the early childhood workforce. This article introduces the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative...

Some Considerations on the Validity of Evidence-based Practice in Social Work

Underlying presuppositions and assumption entailed in evidence-based practice and their implications for social work were considered in this article. The findings show that evidence-based practice proposes a particular deterministic version of rationality which is unsatisfactory. Evidence-based...

Field Education as the Signature Pedagogy of Social Work Education

This article analyzes the field education– signature pedagogy fit. It finds congruence in selected organizational arrangements that are pervasive and routine, and disparities with respect to expectations about public student performance, peer accountability, the view of adaptive anxiety, and...

The Impact of the Isibindi Programme on Vulnerable Youth: Evaluation Report

In 2009, there were an estimated of 1.9 million children under the age of 17 in South Africa who were orphans due to HIV/AIDS. "ISIBINDI: Creating Circles of Care" is a community-based care and protection intervention for vulnerable children and young people that was developed by National...

Supporting the Child Care and Workforce Development Needs of TANF Families

This report outlines the opportunities offered by workforce development and child care subsidy systems in the United States but also highlights the challenges of meeting the complex needs of these highly disadvantaged families and identifies implications for federal and state policy improvements,...

Cadre Commun des Compétences des Para Professionnels

Fonctions et compétences pour les travailleurs sociaux para professionnels.
