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Child protection

Rapid Return of Children in Residential Care to Family as a Result of COVID-19: Scope, challenges, and recommendations

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, some governments have mandated that residential care providers rapidly return children and youth to family. Survey data from 67 organizations revealed that rapid return was characterized by compressed timelines that did not allow for adequate child and family...

‘When will I be free’: Lessons of COVID-19 for Child Protection in South Africa

COVID-19 has highlighted and amplified structural inequalities; drawing attention to issues of racism, poverty, xenophobia as well as arguably ineffective government policies and procedures. In South Africa, the pandemic and the resultant national lockdown has highlighted the shortcomings in the...

COVID-19 SYNTHESIS #4 - Children’s Participation

This evidence synthesis analyses emerging practices and preliminary guidance for engaging children in the response to CP challenges during the various stages of COVID-19 and other infectious disease outbreaks (e.g. Ebola). It explores both barriers and opportunities to the meaningful and authentic...

Guidance for Alternative Care Provision during COVID-19

Practical guidance on the adaptations and considerations needed to support children in alternative care or entering alternative care during COVID-19.

The Hidden Impact of COVID-19 on Child Protection and Wellbeing

A new child protection thematic report shows the impact of COVID-19 on child protection, including increased incidences of GBV and increased stressors. The report calls for government leaders and decision-makers to increase efforts to protect children from the impacts of COVID-19 by designating the...

Financial Benchmark for Child Protection

Assessing the adequacy of the financial resources available for child protection systems, and the cost of reform of these systems, is a necessary first step to make a sustainable difference to the degree to which this right is realised for children. The purpose of this benchmark is to obtain a...

Responding to the Shadow Pandemic: Taking stock of gender-based violence risks and responses during COVID-19

This child protection brief details the growing magnitude of child protection and gender-based violence issues resulting from COVID-19. It highlights the essential role of the social service workforce in promotive, preventative and responsive services, and calls on governments to ensure their...

The role of small-scale residential care for children in the transition from institutional- to community-based care and in the continuum of care in the Europe and Central Asia Region

The White Paper summarizes evidence on the current use and impact of small-scale residential care (also: ‘SSRC’) and offers guidance on how to enable all children to grow up in a loving and table family environment. It aims to promote better decision-making among policy-makers, local governments,...

Protecting Children from Violence in the Time of COVID-19: Disruptions in prevention and response services

Social service professionals must also be acknowledged as a critical part of the COVID-19 response for children.

COVID-19: Policy Brief and Recommendations - Strengthening efforts to prevent and respond to school-related gender-based violence as schools reopen

This policy brief is targeted at policymakers and practitioners working in gender, education and child protection fields. It draws from emerging evidence on the gendered implications of COVID-19 on violence as well as research from previous health emergencies regarding the impacts of school...
