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Community workers

Social Protection for Informal Workers in Asia

Case studies from several countries in Asia provide examples of designing and delivering social protection programs for informal sector workers.

Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2015 Workforce Data

This report provides a comprehensive picture of the paid workforce employed in the social service sector in Scotland at the end of 2015.

The Role of Para-Social Workers in Creating Community-led Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse: Case study on child protection within OVC programs

With guidance and training in child protection district officials and community leaders worked together to map vulnerable households and issues in communities, organize and fortify orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) response committees at the district and sub-county levels, and train PSWs to...

Responding to Child Maltreatment: A framework for mapping child protection agencies

This report aims to gather data on legal, health and social services responses to child maltreatment. The first step in this mapping exercise is to map out the network of agencies and organizations tasked with responding to child maltreatment, including government-run child protective services,...

Study Examines Stability of Minnesota Child Protection Workforce

A summary of a survey conducted to understand the state of the workforce in Minnesota includes job satisfaction, the impact of secondary traumatic stress and the adequacy of supervision and peer support.

mHealth for Health Information Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries – Challenges and Opportunities in Data Quality, Privacy and Security

One of the six building blocks for strong national health systems is the use of health information systems, according to the World Health Organization. As social service workers in low- and middle-income countries seek new ways to improve health-related information and communication technologies to...

Protecting Young Children from Violence in Colombia: Linking caregiver empathy with community child rights indicators as a pathway for peace in Medellin’s Comuna 13

The following program applied a unique model addressing young children’s psychosocial well-being. The initiative built the capacity for caregiver empathy combining a positive parenting approach with community early learning strengths, child rights, and community empowerment methods.

Rethinking Early Childhood Workforce Sustainability in the Context of Australia Early Childhood Education and Care Reforms

Authors argue that early childhood workforce challenges at the national level in Australia are not adequately addressed in policy reform that is underway.

Implementing and Improving: A national case management system for child protection in Zimbabwe

This report reflects the evolution of the cash transfer program in Zimbabwe and impactupon child protection case management coordination.

Can Professionalization Legitimize Relational Child and Youth Care as a Best Practice?

The author highlights why relational CYC practice should be considered a best practice in out-of-home care services for children and youth.
