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Resources Database

Example: A search for contin would match titles containing continuum, discontinue, continuation, etc.

1456 resources listed:

Providing Technical Assistance to Build Implementation Capacity in Child Welfare: A manual based on the development, implementation and assessment approach

Training and technical assistance providers supporting public, private and Tribal child welfare organizations will find this resource useful in applying the Development, Implementation, and Assessment Approach to develop or adapt innovations, implement innovations methodically, and build evidence.

Permanency Innovations Initiative Project; Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau, US.
Year of Publication: 

Evaluation qualitative des effets protecteurs du programme de renforcement économique et de la sensibilisation des ménages extrêmement pauvres sur la protection des droits de l’enfant au Burkina Faso

L’évaluation qualitative aide à apprécier les relations ou les corrélations entre les changements intervenus et le renforcement économique des ménages du programme, les effets des séances de sensibilisation sur les attitudes et pratiques des ménages par rapport aux droits de l’enfant, de façon générale et aux centres d’intérêts du programme de façon spécifique.

TRICKLE UP Afrique de l’Ouest, CERFODES
Year of Publication: 

Using Data

This document provides a brief summary of a journal article that highlights the findings of a study identifying the organizational factors that influence data use among child welfare employees in their day-to-day work and decision-making. Results from this study highlight that supervisor support and familiarity with data are predictive of data use.

Lee, S.J., Bright, C.L., & Berlin, L.J
Year of Publication: 

Evaluation of Independent Child Trafficking Advocates Trial: Final report

This report is a summary of a one-year trial and interviews with children working with child trafficking advocates. One of the recommendations includes consideration for advocates to be a part of the formal systems and network for care and protection. The report highlights the positive role of the advocates in children's lives and their role in the transition process and linking to referrals.

Kohli, R., Hynes, P., Connolly, C., Thurnham, A., Westlake, D. and D’Arcy, K.
Year of Publication: 

‘This word volunteer is killing us’: Making sense of volunteering in social welfare provision for orphans and vulnerable children in rural Zimbabwe

This qualitative study explored how volunteers delivering social welfare to orphans and vulnerable children through a community initiative supported by donors made sense of volunteering during a period of hyperinflation in Zimbabwe. Volunteering masked the cost of participation, thereby potentially making poverty worse for the poor in a context without a formal welfare system.

Cathrine Madziva, Martha Chinouya
Year of Publication: 

Going Home: Childrens Reintegration in Mexico, Moldova and Nepal

A summary of interviews and data of children’s reintegration in three countries, the report includes policy recommendations important to the social service workforce to ensure coordination between all service providers.

Dr. Gillian Mann, Dr. Helen Baños Smith, Maria Baños Smith, Dr. Anita Schrader McMillan, Family for Every Child
Year of Publication: 

Improving Child Wellbeing and Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of social protection

Adequate transfer size, availability of child care services, greater use of sensitisation opportunities, and appropriate roles and responsibilities for social workers and other programme staff are crucial for improving positive impacts and reducing potential negative side effects.

Keetie Roelen, Emily Delap, Camilla Jones, Helen Karki Chettric
Year of Publication: 

INEE Background Paper on Psychosocial Support and Social and Emotional Learning for Children and Youth in Emergency Settings

The purpose of this paper is to clarify relevant terminologies and approaches relating to psychosocial well-being and social and emotional learning (SEL) in education in crisis-affected contexts, and to explore how psychosocial support (PSS) and social and emotional learning relate to one another.

Vania Alves, INEE Education Policy Working Group, INEE Standards and Practice Working Group
Year of Publication: 

Key Findings and Recommendations: Isibindi mid-term review

This report is a compilation of data of the impact half-way through the five-year Isibindi program, and it makes recommendations for meeting or surpassing targets by the end of the program in 2018.

USAID, Department of Social Development South Africa, FHI360, Mott Macdonald, PEPFAR
Year of Publication: 

Promoting Social and Economic Equality: Social workers’ contribution to social justice and social development in South Africa and Uganda

This article presents case studies from South Africa, where social work is regulated by law, and Uganda, where social work is not professionally regulated, that show that developmental social work includes social, economic and environmental development activities and that social work can become a significant role player in promoting social and economic equality through its commitment to social justice and human rights.

Janestic M Twikirize, Antoinette Lombard
Year of Publication: 

The Cost and Economic Impact of Violence Against Children

The consequences of physical, psychological and sexual violence against children can be as high as $7 trillion. While it is clear that ‘prevention pays’, levels of spending on preventive and responsive actions in relation to violence against children remain very low and are frequently not even documented. This article makes recommendations for addressing the problem through prevention methods while stressing that increased funding for research and advocacy are needed.

Paola Pereznieto, Andres Montes, Lara Langston, Solveig Routier, ODI, ChildFund Alliance
Year of Publication: 

Reaching and Investing in Children at the Margins: Workshop Summary

During a workshop organized by Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally, participants explored how discrimination and social exclusion affect early development, focusing on vulnerable populations such as children living outside of family care. The Forum reviewed evidence-based data from science, economics, and politics of investing in the areas of health, education, nutrition, and social protection. Findings highilght the important role the social service workforce plays in preventing abandonment and violence in the community.

Health & Medicine Division; Division of Behavioral & Social Sciences & Education; National Academies of Science, Engineering, Medicine
Year of Publication: 

Uprooted: The Growing Crisis for Refugee and Migrant Children

This report provides data and legal frameworks on children migrants from both a global and continent-by-continent perspective. It also includes six key recommendations for the protection of these children, including keeping families together as the best way to protect children and give children legal status.

Year of Publication: 

Health Inequalities and Intersectionality

Intersectionality as an approach and as a practice has emerged as one of the promising ways to promote health equity and social justice. It also helps us to consider how these positions interact with, and constituted by, social policy and social structures.

National Collaborating Center for Healthy Public Policy, Institut de sante publique Quebec
Year of Publication: 

Community Workers Guide to Understanding Gender-Based Violence and Child Protection Basic Concepts

This manual aims to improve understanding of gender-based violence and child protection issues in the community,, and how to address these issues.

Heartland Alliance International, United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1456 items